Monday, May 20, 2024

TRUMP'S TRIALS EXPOSE THE FRGILITY OF U.S. DEMOCRACY. And this is the country that unilaterally decides on the legitimacy of governments throughout the world.

Trump is facing 4 trials with 88 felony counts. Yet 3 of them are being held up despite their relative simplicity from a legal viewpoint. The strongest case against Trump involves illegal handling of highly classified documents. But the judge, a Trump appointee whose only “qualification” was her membership in the Federalist Society, has delayed the trial as have two others along with the help of the Republican dominated Supreme Court, three of whose 9 judges were appointed by Trump.


But what really shows how fragile U.S. democracy is has to do with the one trial which is really not that damning and which Trump has a lot going for him. The main proof that Trump failed to accurately report the wiring of $130,000 of hush money to a porn star is former Trump trickster Michael Cohen whose credibility can easily be questioned by Trump’s lawyer.


But the absurdity of it all is that the outcome of the 2024 presidential elections rests on the decision of the 12 members of the jury in this case. If they choose to condemn Trump, it is probable that he will lose the election since many voters will refrain from voting for a felon. If they don’t convict him, he will probably (if current surveys are any indication) be elected president. That such an earthshattering decision as to who will govern the U.S. for the next 4 years rests on these 12 individuals in such a relatively flimsy case talks volumes about the deterioration of U.S. democracy. That is, the presidential election of a man who says shoplifters should be shot rests on a feeble accusation. 

This is a clear demonstration that the U.S. lacks the credibility to decide unilaterally what governments are legitimate and which are not, and whether the people of those countries will get starved into submission (through international sanctions). In fact, no country under any circumstances should have that right.


Friday, May 3, 2024

Biden and Trump on the anti-Israel Protests. It’s Like the Good Cop-Bad Cop Binary!

The Republicans are demanding calling up the National Guard to quell peaceful demonstrations in opposition to Israel’s attack on Gaza. Biden says he won’t do that, and basically says ‘let the cops do the job.’ He also erroneously implies that the demonstrators are anti-Semitic. When he says there’s no place for anarchy, he’s implying that the demonstrators are violent when in fact the violence is coming from pro-Israeli thugs (in addition to the police).