If Joe Biden wants to avoid heavy losses
for the Democrats in November, he is going to have to follow a populist
strategy, which most political scientists mistakenly consider to be inherently
anti-democratic and opportunistic. Specifically, Biden needs to scrap his
consensus politics approach in which he in effect pleads with, and kowtows to,
Joe Manchin and in doing so waters down His Build Back Better program. A
populist strategy would mean ruling by executive order to fulfill such promises
as cutting the student debt significantly. The strategy must also include
rallying the rank and file to counter undemocratic institutions such as the
Senate, in which minorities get greatly overrepresented and the filibuster is employed
thus making a mockery of majority rule. Such a strategy (executive orders, mass
mobilizations, countering undemocratic institutions) typically gets called
"populist" in the pejorative sense. Populism is by nature
undemocratic, or so it is said, because democratic institutions are spurned. In
fact, undemocratic are the institutions themselves - the Senate and the Supreme
Court, to name but two.