The U.S. Government and Corporate Media: How They Work Hand in Glove
The centralization of ownership of the private media in the United States and elsewhere has become increasingly pronounced, at the same time that its reporting has become increasingly one-sided and monolithic. My blog seeks to expose this lack of objectivity and present alternative ideas that point in the direction of much-needed fundamental change.
Washington is poised to bomb ISIS positions in northern Syria. Given the fact that ISIS is a deadly enemy of the Assad government, why doesn’t the U.S. simply request permission from Damascus to bomb ISIS? U.S. public opinion was opposed to any kind of intervention in Iraq. ISIS’s horrific killing of two U.S. journalists has something to do with the recent shift in public opinion. But it’s also testimony to the effectiveness of the monolithic U.S. media that, following in the footsteps of William Henry Hearst (whose papers blamed Spain for the sinking of the Maine without any evidence whatsoever), is an expert at beating the war drums.