Saturday, November 13, 2021

The case of pro-Maduro businessman Alex Saab: To use the courts for political ends is criminal. Has nothing to do with justice

Alex Saab is on trial in Florida for allegations of corruption involving Venezuela’s safety net program of food distribution (CLAP), and yet the U.S. judicial system leaves untouched neoliberals and their families. An example is Cecilia Flores, the long-time lover and then wife of Venezuela’s neoliberal president Carlos Andrés Pérez. To quote Wikipedia “Matos is still unable to account for her personal wealth or how a junior secretary in the Venezuelan Congress went on to own real estate in New York, Washington, D.C., Caracas, Paris and Florida and foreign bank accounts without any income or economic activity to justify these assets.”


Carlos Andrés Pérez himself moved from the Dominican Republic to Miami in 2002 to avoid extradition to Venezuela on grounds of corruption. Miami is a haven for corrupt politicians, neoliberal ones, of course. Not too far away, Saab is being tried for the crime of helping feed hungry Venezuelans.



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