Why doesn’t Washington condemn the vision of a “Greater Israel” with the same determination that it opposes a “Greater Russia”?
The Russians are not the only ones who talk of a “Greater” nation that, in effect, violates the principle of national sovereignty. The Religious Zionists do the same. The notion of a “Greater Israel” takes in the land occupied by Palestinians. Ever since the creation of Israel these Zionists have had their eyes set on Palestinian land based on a dubious interpretation of the Bible. These are the people who have occupied settlements that are receiving robust material support from the state of Israel. The overriding question: Why doesn’t the U.S. government oppose the efforts to establish a “Greater Israel” with the same determination that they are opposing the Russian invasion of Ukraine? In the case of the Ukrainian conflict, Moscow is driven by other imperatives that, in my opinion, carry greater weight than expansionism, namely the threat posed by NATO. Israel has no equivalent excuse, since their motive for encroaching on Palestinian land is mainly based on religious fanaticism as well as economic motives, which are equally unjustifiable.
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