The mainstream media
doesn’t touch the topic of the Venezuelan opposition as a whole which all along
has been deeply divided over relations with the Maduro government. With the
self-proclamation of Juan Guaidó, the radical fringe of the opposition is now bolstered
thanks to the blatant interventionism of Washington engineered by the neo-cons.
Today, “NACLA: Report on the Americas” posted an article of mine that explores
how the Venezuelan opposition with the right-wing radicals at the helm is discrediting
itself internally and internationally by associating itself so closely with Washington.
Report on the Americas
Report on the Americas
Since its outset, the Trump administration has ratcheted up pressure on
Venezuela and radicalized its positions. In the process, the Venezuelan opposition
has become more and more associated with—and dependent on—Washington and its
allies. An example is the opposition protests slated for February 2. The
actions were timed to coincide with the European Union’s “ultimatum” stating that they would recognize the shadow government of Juan Guaidó
if President Nicolás Maduro did not call elections within a week’s time.
The opposition’s most radical sectors, which include Guaidó's Voluntad
Popular party (VP) along with former presidential candidate María Corina
Machado have always had close ties with the United States. Guaidó, as well as VP
head Leopoldo López and the VP’s Carlos Vecchio, who is the shadow government’s
Chargé d’Affaires in Washington, were educated in prestigious U.S. universities—not
uncommon among Latin American economic and political elites.
The ties between the opposition and international actors are strong: last weekend,
Vecchio called the campaign to unseat Maduro “an international
effort.” At the same time, Guaidó, referring
to opposition-called protests, stated “today, February 2, we are going to meet
again in the streets to show our gratitude to the support that the European
Parliament has given us.” In doing so, Guaidó explicitly connected the authority
of outside countries to his own assumption of leadership.
The outcome of Washington’s
actions is bound to be unfavorable in a number of ways, regardless of whether or
not they achieve regime change. Most important, a government headed by Guaidó
will be perceived both by Venezuelans and international observers as “made in U.S.A.”
The opposition’s association with foreign
powers has allowed the Maduro leadership to rein in discontent members of the
Chavista movement.
Furthermore, Venezuelans will perceive any sign of economic recovery
under a Guaidó government as made possible by aid, if not handouts, from
Washington, designed to discredit Maduro’s socialist government, though such
assistance will undoubtedly be used to further U.S. economic and political interests.
In fact, U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton has indicated that he is
already calling on oil companies to opt for investments in Venezuela once
Maduro is overthrown. As he told
Fox News, "we're in conversation with major American companies now.... It will make a big difference to the United States economically
if we could have American oil companies really invest in and produce the oil
capabilities in Venezuela.”
explicitly or implicitly, Washington is dictating strategy, or at least
providing input into its formulation. One of the challenges the opposition faces
is the need to demonstrate to rank-and-file Venezuelans that the current
offensive against Maduro will be different from the disastrous attempts of 2014
and 2017, when anti-government leaders assured protesters that the president would
be toppled in a matter of days. The opposition leadership claims that this time
is different for two reasons. First, the regional Right turn has deepened, and the
opposition is more able than ever to rely on decisive support from Washington
and other governments, regardless of how democratic they are—see the neofascist
credentials of Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro.
Second, the opposition is
counting on the backing of military officers, particularly lower-ranking ones
who have allegedly lost patience with Maduro. In addition to some defections, junior
officers attempted to stage a
military coup just two days before mass opposition protests on
January 23 when Guaidó declared himself president. Previously, the Venezuelan
opposition expressed a degree of contempt for military officers for their
unwillingness to defy the Chavista government. The opposition’s new perspective
dates back to Trump’s three meetings
with military rebels and his statement,
made alongside President Iván Duque of Colombia in September of last year, that
the Maduro government “could be toppled very quickly by the military if the
military decides to do that.” The U.S. effort to encourage the
military to step in was again made evident on Wednesday when John
Bolton tweeted that U.S. sanctions against senior
officers for alleged illegal actions could be lifted “for any Venezuelan senior
military officer that stands for democracy and recognizes the constitutional
government of President Juan Guaidó.” Recently,
Guaidó made a similar offer to military officers, implying continuity and
closeness between Washington and the shadow government.
noteworthy is that Guaidó and other VP leaders are closer to Washington than
the rest of the opposition. The Wall
Street Journal reported that Guaidó consulted Mike Pence the
night before his self-proclamation as president on January 23. According to
ex-presidential candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski the majority of the opposition
parties were not aware of Guaidó’s intentions and in fact did not
support the idea.
To make matters worse, the VP-led opposition is openly working hand-in-glove
with Washington. Last week Guaidó announced that he would attempt to transport humanitarian
aid the United States has deposited on the Colombian
and Brazilian borders into Venezuela. He called on the Venezuelan military to
disobey orders from the Maduro government by facilitating the passage, while
Maduro ordered it blocked. While playing political benefactor,
Washington was clearly manipulating the optics of the situation to discredit
Maduro and rally more international support for Guaído.
In an apparent rebuke to Washington and Guaidó, UN spokesperson Stéphane
Dujarric on Wednesday insisted that the humanitarian aid be “depoliticized.”
Opposition leaders and the Trump
government are also working together to isolate Venezuela economically
throughout the world. Julio Borges, a leading member of the opposition, has
campaigned to convince international financial institutions to shun Venezuelan
transactions and has urged Great Britain to refuse to repatriate Venezuelan
gold stored in London. President
Maduro has responded by calling on the Attorney General to open judicial
proceedings against Borges on grounds of treason. Along similar lines, U.S. Secretary of
the Treasury Steven Mnuchin and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross are currently
attempting to convince international business interests to deny the Venezuelan government access to
national assets in their possession.
The Trump administration’s blatant and
undisguised interventionism may in fact backfire and help Maduro counter his
sagging poll numbers, which last October the polling firm Datanálisis reported
was 23%. Maduro
recently lashed
out on Twitter at the close nexus between
Washington and the opposition, saying “Aren't you embarrassed at
yourselves, ashamed at the way every day by Twitter Mike Pence, John Bolton, Mike
Pompeo tell you what you should do.”
Anti-imperialism is, of course, a major cornerstone of the Chavista
movement, born from resentment of U.S. interventionism and heavy-handedness
that had for decades controlled many of Venezuela’s resources and dictated its
economic policies. The maneuvers of the Trump administration and its allies
only double down on this narrative, and are counterproductive at best when it
comes to solving the crisis. Their actions also risk fanning the flames of
anti-Americanism throughout the continent. It wouldn’t be the first time: In
1958, then-vice president Nixon was attacked by a riotous crowd in Caracas, and
a decade later Nelson Rockefeller’s fact-finding tour arranged by then-President
Nixon faced off with angry disruptive protests. Both incidents were responses
to Washington's self-serving support for regimes that came to power through undemocratic
means, in some cases with U.S. involvement.
In its strategy towards Venezuela,
Washington is invoking not only its Cold War policy but the Monroe Doctrine and
its view of Latin America as the U.S.’ “backyard,”—a claim that is especially
anathema throughout the region. Indeed, Vice
President Pence said to Fox
News, answering a question about why Trump is withdrawing
troops from Syria and Afghanistan while intervening in Venezuela. “President
Trump has always had a very different view of our hemisphere,” he said. “He’s long understood that the United States has a
special responsibility to support and nurture democracy and freedom in this
hemisphere and that’s a longstanding tradition.”
President Trump recently
appointed neocon Elliott Abrams as special envoy to Venezuela. Abrams has in
many ways personified the application of the Monroe Doctrine with his blatant
disregard for human rights violation and the principle of non-intervention in
Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador in the 1980s and his alleged implication in
the 2002 coup against Hugo Chávez.
Trump’s decision regarding CITGO, a U.S.-based company owned by
Venezuela’s state-owned PDVSA, speaks to a dangerous precedent. On Wednesday he
declared that jurisdiction over CITGO would be turned over to the shadow
government, and appealed to other countries to follow similar steps. While
condemning anti-democratic actions and fraudulent elections in Venezuela, these
sanctions ignore the rule of law. The Maduro government was never given the
opportunity to defend itself and legal procedures were not followed.
It is always a
dubious exercise to guess at President Trump’s intentions. His actions in
Venezuela could be designed to divert attention from the multiple probes into his
own unethical behavior, or they may be a way to draw attention away from the
utter fiasco of U.S. interventions in the Middle East, from Libya to
Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Trump may also view his Venezuela policy as a
quick fix to Make America Great Again. Along similar lines, Trump evidently sees
the downfall of the Maduro government as the ultimate proof that socialism
doesn’t work. He indicated as much in his State
of the Union address on Tuesday when he used the topic of
Venezuela as a springboard for declaring: “We are born
free, and we will stay free… America will never be a socialist country.”
Yet regardless of short-term results of U.S. support for Guaidó, the final
outcome will be negative. There are a number of reasons why: first, it bolsters
the position of the most radical elements of the opposition led by the VP
party, thus contributing to the fragmentation of the anti-Chavista movement.
Second, it attaches a “made in U.S.A.” label to those positioned to govern
should Maduro fall. The stigma would undoubtedly scuttle their chances of
maintaining longstanding majority support and in doing so would undermine their
authority and ability to govern. Third, the appeal to the military to save
Venezuela has terrifying implications for a continent with a long history of
military rule. And finally, the seizure of Venezuelan assets, which have then been
turned over to a political ally, violates sacred norms of property rights, and
in the process erodes confidence in the system of private property. These four
considerations are an indication of the multiple adverse impacts that the Trump
administration’s rash approach to the Maduro government will have on the United
States, Venezuela, and the rest of the region.
Steve Ellner is a retired professor from Venezuela’s University of the
East, a long-time contributor to NACLA: Report on the Americas, and currently
associate managing editor of “Latin American Perspectives.” Among his over a
dozen books on Latin America is his edited The Pink Tide Experiences: Breakthroughs and
Shortcomings in Twenty-First Century Latin America (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019).
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