few days back, Amy Goodman of “Democracy Now” interviewed Syrian-American activist Ramah
Kudaimi (member of the National Committee of the War Resisters League) on the recent U.S.,

Kudaimi and
others on the left who favor regime change in Syria always stress the 2011 Arab
Spring uprising, but the fact of the matter is that the major actors who are
now fighting against Assad are almost all surrogates of one foreign government
or another. The commercial media, and much of the alternative media as well,
fail to provide information about the rebel groups, who they represent, and
what their goals are. Since the bad guys are the Assad regime and the ISIS
terrorists, it almost seems that, ipso facto, the good guys are the non-ISIS
rebels. Very little mention is made of the fact that these rebel groups are so divided among themselves that they have engaged in deadly infighting; that they have committed war crimes against their enemies and the civilian population; that the
foreign powers who support them are no more democratic than Iran or Russia (ie,
Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, the Emirates, etc.), and that some of the rebel
groups receiving support from outside powers have been themselves allied with
terrorists, specifically the Al-Qaeda local affiliate. Indeed, when fighting
centered on Aleppo in the north a few months back, the media made little
mention that a major force among the rebels was Al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate,
Al-Nusra Front.
example is the recent fighting in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta. The main rebel
group whose base of support is located in the Ghouta region is the Islamic
Front, backed and armed by Saudi Arabia. Typical of the disarray of the
anti-Assad forces, the Islamic Front has spurned ties with other rebel
organizations grouped in the Syrian National Coalition. Furthermore, the
trajectory of the Islamic Front is characterized by extreme factionalism. In
addition, Islamic Front leaders have articulated Sunni extremism and abhorrence
for Shiites (who they call “Zoroastrians”!) and opposition to democracy. The commercial
media tends to gloss over these details.
my opinion, solidarity in favor of the Syrian people cannot take the form of
demands, slogans and banners for regime change. The call for regime change just
exacerbates the conflict and deepens and extends the civil war. Furthermore, a
distinction has to be made between Russian support for an established
government, as repressive as it may be, and military involvement on the part of
the U.S., France, Great Britain, Israel, and Turkey in favor of rebel groups
that have no chance at all of reaching power and putting an end to the violence
and instability.
don’t doubt at all the nefariousness of the actions of the Assad government
both in terms of internal repression and military atrocities. The international
movement of solidarity obviously should not demonstrate support for the Assad
government in any way, or for Russian military involvement. Its position needs
to be diametrically opposed to that of much of the anti-war movement in the 60s
which considered Ho Chi Minh somewhat of a hero.
the reprehensible actions of the Assad government, recognizing it as the
established government may seem like the abandonment of the moral high ground.
But the alternative is to contribute to the continuation of the civil war with
no end in sight. Realism must prevail because the alternative is ongoing violence
and chaos.
the demand for withdrawal of all foreign powers from Syria (even though its
achievement would be a major step in favor of peace), actually encourages those
nations that are aiding the rebels. After all, Washington’s position is: as
long as the Russians are in Syria, we have the right to do the same. But the
fact of the matter is that the only hope for some sort of stability at this
point is government consolidation. One may ask, what is the difference between
Russian military support for Assad and U.S. military involvement in Vietnam in
the 60s? But there are important differences:
The Viet Minh was a unified force and ended up taking power once the U.S.
withdrew. The situation in Syria is dissimilar because if the Russians were to
withdraw today, the rebels would most likely continue fighting against Assad
and among themselves.
The Viet Minh had a legitimate goal which was the unification of Vietnam. The
rebels do not have any all-encompassing demand other than getting rid of Assad.
The Assad regime is fighting the major terrorist groups including ISIS and the
Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front. The South Vietnam government had no such redeeming
am in agreement with two propositions defended by those on the left who are
calling for regime change in Syria. First, the international solidarity
movement has to raise the banner of the goal of democracy in Syria, which at
least indirectly represents a criticism of Assad. And second, in the long run
the solution to Syria’s problems will come from the mass popular movement in
that nation, and not super-power agreements at the negotiation table.
Steve, I wrote one comment and when I tried to preview it, it disappeared. Happened again.
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