The Venezuelan Crisis Needs to be Contextualized
Venezuela can not be considered a dictatorship in spite of certain violations
of democratic procedures. One has to be careful as to where you draw the line
between democracy and dictatorship. If you’re not careful, the U.S. may be
thrown in the latter category. After all, where in the world does t
he candidate
who gets nearly 3 million less votes than his rival get to be elected
president? The Chavista governments have committed their fair share of errors.
I’m the first to recognize that. But those errors have to be placed in a
context. Since 2001 the opposition has declared war on the government and has
done everything possible to overthrow it. Few times in history has an elected
government faced such aggression on so many fronts (church, foreign powers, the
national and international media, the business sector and the entire political
opposition) over such an extended period of time. War and democracy are not
compatible. This is not to justify the government’s errors but to provide a
context to understand why the errors were committed. For example, the Chavista
slogan “Unity, Unity and more Unity” is a recipe for sectarianism and
clientelism, but is the result of facing a ruthless enemy with enormous
resources. CONCLUSION: both sides share a degree of responsibility for the
mess. In order to avoid another Syria (which is a definite possibility) leaders
on both sides have to have the maturity to sit down and talk (without
pre-existing demands). And foreign actors, rather than exacerbate the
polarization which is what the White House, Almagro, and so many others are
doing should insist on negotiations.That’s the only solution.
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