“NACLA: Report on the Americas” – posted May
24, 2018
by Steve Ellner
The refusal by Falcón and the other main
presidential candidate, evangelist Javier Bertucci, to recognize the electoral
results bodes poorly for Maduro’s new term as president. The consolidation of a
moderate bloc within the opposition which recognizes the government’s
legitimacy would have significantly cut into the strength of the more
intransigent, or radical, parties on the right and provided Venezuelan politics
with much needed stability.
Maduro is in need of political capital and
a degree of support from outside the Chavista movement in order to tackle such
pressing problems as four-digit annual inflation, an appalling deterioration in
the standard of living of both popular and middle sectors, and oil industry
mismanagement resulting in a decline in production. Two urgent tasks loom as
major challenges: the deepening of the efforts to combat corruption that began
in the latter months of 2017; and bringing the nation’s officially set prices,
including foreign exchange rates, within closer reach of production costs and market
prices. Products and services such as gasoline, cooking gas and Caracas’ metro
fare are virtually free while the rates charged by the state telephone company CANTV
are not far behind.
Given the nation’s intense polarization,
bold and necessary government measures such as these, which tend to generate popular
or bureaucratic resistance, will be exploited by the opposition. Contributing
to the volatility is the hostile position assumed by Washington as well as
Venezuela’s Latin American neighbors and the European Union. In August the Trump
administration prohibited the purchase of Venezuelan state bonds and
Venezuelan-owned CITGO’s remittance of profits and then banned transactions
involving Venezuela’s new cryptocurrency, the Petro.
In February of this year, the parties of
the MUD pulled out of negotiations with the government conducted in Santo
Domingo in spite of various concessions and optimism that an agreement could be
reached. According to Maduro, the decision was a response to pressure from
Washington. The Trump administration’s characterization of the Maduro
government as a tyrannical dictatorship and a veritable narco-state undoubtedly
also influenced the MUD to call for an electoral boycott, even after Acción
Democrática (AD) secretary general Henry Ramos Allup announced his presidential
candidacy in January. The only important parties in the opposition camp that ended
up participating on May 20 were the social-Christian COPEI (one of the nation’s
main historical parties) and the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS), both of which
backed Falcón.
Three-Way Split
Falcón’s refusal to recognize the electoral
results on May 20 was far from inevitable. Indeed, Falcón emerged as a major
national leader on October 15, 2017 when he acknowledged his defeat in his bid
for reelection as governor of Lara, unlike the position assumed on that day by
other opposition gubernatorial candidates. A concurrent event appeared to
signal a major break-off from the “disloyal,” radical opposition, which over the
previous two decades had for the most part denied the legitimacy of the Hugo
Chávez and Maduro governments. Four of the opposition’s five elected governors,
all belonging to AD, disobeyed party orders by agreeing to take their oath in
front of the Chavista-dominated National Constituent Assembly.
Important differences and tensions between
the radical opposition and Falcón arose during his presidential campaign. Chavista
leader Diosdado Cabello told journalist and former leftist presidential
candidate José Vicente Rangel: “The worst that has been said about Falcón has
not been by us, but rather the opposition.” In an example of ugly name-calling,
two renowned international journalists who sympathize with the Venezuelan radical
opposition – Andrés Oppenheimer[1] and
Jaime Bayly[2] of
Peru – called Falcón a two-time “traitor”: first he broke with Chávez (after being
elected governor of Lara) and then with former opposition presidential
candidate Henrique Capriles (after serving as his campaign manager).
Behind the conflict among the anti-Chavistas,
there is a glaring fact. Venezuela is divided in three, not two, camps: the
radical opposition, the Chavistas, and a middle ground lacking in well-organized
leadership. A sizeable percentage of the population opposed to Maduro firmly rejects
the type of street protests carried out in 2014 and 2017 known as the guarimba that resulted in widespread disruption
and violence. These Venezuelans are equally opposed to the U.S. economic
sanctions imposed on the nation with the encouragement of the radical
opposition. According to the polling firm Hinterlaces, 71 percent of the
population is in disagreement with international sanctions to oust Maduro from
The above-mentioned “middle ground” opposes
the disruptive “guarimba” protests
and the economic sanctions, both associated with the radical opposition. This
is the space that was occupied by Falcón throughout the campaign.
At this moment, Maduro’s priority task is
to minimize the effects of both of these threats. The day after the elections
Trump, as expected, issued an executive order tightening the financial
sanctions, but the real source of alarm is the possibility of an oil embargo
currently under study by the State and Treasury Departments and the National
Security Council. Also on May 21, street disturbances against the elections broke
out in various cities, signaling the possibility of a reenactment of the guarimba at the national level at a time
when Venezuela is even more isolated than a year ago.
“Economic War”
The issue of foreign-imposed sanctions has
the potential to unify much of the nation while isolating the radical
opposition, which supports the measures. But for this to happen, the government
needs to improve its communication strategy by documenting the concrete ways
that the sanctions are affecting the economy. Government rhetoric too often
harps on the “economic war” against Venezuela in the abstract without going
beyond slogans and pointing to the specifics.
Radical opposition leaders flatly deny that
the economic sanctions are at all related to Venezuela’s economic difficulties,
which they attribute exclusively to Maduro’s mistaken policies and corruption. Others
recognize that the sanctions complicate matters for the Venezuelan government
but claim they have had “limited”[4]
effect, a position which often serves to place the lion’s share of the blame for
the nation’s economic problems on Maduro. Government errors and politically motivated
economic disruption, however, are not mutually exclusive.
There is much evidence to debunk the
radical opposition’s claim that the sanctions and the “economic war” in general
have had a negligible effect. In an article in Foreign Policy, Falcón’s chief economic advisor Francisco Rodríguez
argues that the sanctions have inflicted considerable harm on the Venezuelan
economy. He points out that Venezuelan companies such as CITGO have been unable
“to get U.S. financial institutions to issue routine
trade credit since sanctions were imposed” and that the measures risk “turning
the country’s current humanitarian crisis into a full-blown humanitarian
Equally or more important than the
sanctions per se is the message that the executive orders issued by Obama and
Trump sends to private capital. No U.S. company can ignore the seriousness of a
statement by its nation’s president that a foreign government represents an “extraordinary
threat to national security” (in the words of Obama) or that it is involved in
drug trafficking and money laundering.
In a similar vein, Miami’s El Nuevo Herald revealed that National
Assembly president and leader of the radical opposition Julio Borges systematically
contacted banks throughout the world in order to enhance the effectiveness of the
U.S. imposed sanctions. Borges warned financial institutions that “doing
business with a dictatorship that violates human rights” would convert them
into “accomplices” and would endanger their “image.”[6] Needless
to say, Borges’ words amounted to a veiled threat.
One of the multiple effects of Washington’s
campaign against the Venezuelan government is the corporate exodus of recent
years, which includes Clorox, Kimberly-Clark, Ford, Colgate Palmolive, General
Mills and General Motors. Although the companies blamed the Maduro
administration for their decision, political and economic motives in situations
like these are always mixed and difficult, if not impossible, to untangle.[7] The Chavistas view the exodus as an expression
of the “economic war.” When Kellogg’s shut down operations on the eve of the
May 20 elections, Maduro remarked that company executives “believe people are
going to get scared”[8]
and thus refrain from voting for him.
Acknowledging the problem of inefficiency,
corruption and mismanagement should not detract from the recognition that Washington’s
hostile actions have impacted the Venezuelan economy in major ways. The oil
industry is a case in point. Unethical practices in the industry have been well
documented by Attorney General Tarek William Saab, who was appointed in August
2017 and immediately denounced corrupt dealings resulting in numerous arrests
of top executives of the state oil company PDVSA. But the company has also been
a victim of the sanctions which have affected its relationship with major oil
service providers such as Baker Hughes, Halliburton,
and Schlumberger. In order to avoid a direct relationship with PDVSA, these U.S.
companies now work through an intermediary firm which rent their equipment and
hire their personnel while taking a fair cut of the profits. At the same time,
Chevron, which is the only U.S. oil company with a major presence in Venezuela,
has refrained from making significant investments over the recent past.
The Moderate
versus Radical Opposition
Following the May 20 elections, various
opposition spokespeople called for unity among the anti-Chavistas. AD’s Laidy
Gómez, governor of the state of Táchira, declared: “This is not the moment for
us to lay blame on one another. We have a common enemy to confront.” Achieving
such unity, however, will not be easy given the profundity of the differences
separating those who called for an electoral boycott and those favoring
A look at the differences sheds light not
only on the chasm between opposition “moderates” and radicals, but also the different
ways ordinary Venezuelans view key political issues. The contrast between the
two camps also suggests the feasibility of an understanding or convergence
involving the Chavistas in power and the opposition moderates, at least on
certain issues.
Boycott versus participation. The radical opposition, the Trump administration and much of the
corporate media label the Venezuelan electoral process “fraudulent,” which
refers to manipulation in the counting of votes. Over the years, the opposition
has used the term loosely. Nevertheless, the nation’s voting system is based on
simultaneous manual and electronic procedures as well as auditing in over 50
percent of the voting centers. Furthermore, on May 20, as in past elections, opposition
representatives at all voting centers signed documents validating the process. Falcón’s
supporters, fearful that the use of the term “fraud” would discourage voting, limited
their concerns to irregularities and the lack of a level playing field. Falcón’s
objections on May 20 included the one-sided coverage of the state-run media,
the claim that assisted voting conducted for the elderly lent itself to voter
manipulation, and the location of Chavista stands known as “puntos rojos” within the 200-meter
parameter of voting centers in violation of electoral norms. Falcón’s one accusation
of a practice that appeared to have had a potential to influence significantly results
was the effort to sway voters with the prospect that they would receive a bonus
if they went to the polls (though the secrecy of the voting process was never
seriously questioned).
No to impunity. The
opposition radicals openly call for the purging of the state apparatus in order
to eradicate corruption at all levels. In contrast, Falcón’s strategy was
clearly designed to win over discontent Chavistas. Falcón pledged he would decree
a moratorium on layoffs in the public administration while his Avanzada
Progresista party indicated that if elected its candidate would consider
retaining Maduro’s Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López, a Chavista
stalwart, in his post.
The road to power. The
decision of the opposition radicals to boycott the elections reflects their
skepticism regarding the feasibility of achieving their objectives, including
neoliberal structural reforms, through electoral means. In early 2016 when a campaign
was underway to collect signatures for a presidential recall, the radical Voluntad
Popular party led by jailed Leopoldo López advocated the calling of a
constitutional assembly. Its argument was that removing the president and
electing a new one would not ensure the achievement of the thoroughgoing
changes that the nation needed.
Underlying the radicals’ hard-line position
on elections was the strategy for the complete undoing of the changes
implemented by Chávez and their replacement with neoliberalism, shock-treatment
style. Among the changes was the privatization of strategic sectors of the
economy which the current constitution of 1999 prohibits. The approach of the
opposition radicals, which implied a major shakeup possibly by forceful means, contrasted
with that of the Falcón candidacy, which emphasized peaceful change and associated
the electoral boycott promoted by the opposition with the likelihood of violence.
International “solidarity.” Falcón and his supporters questioned, albeit timidly, the radicals’ emphasis
on foreign support for their cause and adamantly ruled out foreign military
intervention, while insinuating that those boycotting the elections left open
the option. In the words of Copei’s historical leader Eduardo Fernández, we
welcome the “solidarity of the international community but… in the end the
solution to the problems of Venezuela correspond to us.”[9]
limited options.
José Vicente Rangel, who occupied various
top positions under Chávez including the vice-presidency, has long been the
foremost advocate of promoting dialogue with sectors of the opposition. The
issue manifests itself in internal rivalry within the governing United
Socialist Party (PSUV) between the two main long-standing factions headed by
Maduro and hard-liner Diosdado Cabello. At one point, the Cabello faction had
hoped that he would be the party’s presidential candidate, a proposition publicly
expressed by national leader Francisco Ameliach. But in recent months,
Cabello’s faction as well as others outside of the Maduro circle have seen
their influence somewhat diminished, partly because of the anti-corruption
campaign spearheaded by Tarek William Saab.
The national dialogue that Maduro called
for on May 22 is nothing new. In fact the proposal dates back to the months of
the guarimba protests in 2014. But the
emergence of a new, more moderate reference point within the opposition camp as
a result of the Falcón candidacy enhances the plan’s chances of success. Throughout
the campaign Falcón performed a balancing act between demonstrating to the
opposition that he was not soft on the government and trying to attract
discontent Chavistas. The future of his movement is very much up in the air.
The neoliberal formulas put forward by
Falcón including mass privatization, agreements with the IMF and the
dollarization of the economy are not common denominators for the Chavista
government to build on. But there is one key issue that can bring the two sides
together. If Maduro attempts to link the nation’s price structure to market conditions
in order to combat rampant inflation, he will need political support and such
an effort would be perfectly compatible with the Falcón camp’s economic positions.
Politics is all about knowing when to act,
and this is especially applicable to leftists in power. Maduro’s options are
limited given Venezuela’s isolation on the international stage, the direness of
the economic situation and the level of discontent in the nation. But Maduro
has just won a victory and thus needs to take advantage of the moment;
solutions to the nation’s pressing problems require bold moves. In the past,
Maduro has failed to take advantage of favorable moments, but after five years
as president he may have learned the importance of timing. Whether this is the
case will be evident in the coming days.
Ellner has been a NACLA contributor since the late 1980s. His most recent
article, “Implications of Marxist State Theory and How They Play Out in
Venezuela” appeared in the journal Historical
Materialism. He is the editor of the Latin
American Perspectives issue “Latin
America’s Progressive Governments: Separating Socio-Economic Breakthroughs and
Shortcomings,” slated for January 2019.
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