The long-standing strategy of the Democratic leadership has been to go soft on the Republican Party in order to preclude the emergence of a strong leftist pole either in or outside of the Democratic Party. The Republicans hardly reciprocate. Both Obama and Biden have said time and time again “I can work across the aisle” and each time virtually get spit in the face by the Republicans.
This stratagem has now come to light in statements by Republican ex-governor of Ohio turned Biden supporter John Kasich as well as Fox News that say the Republican control of the Senate will be a blessing in disguise for Biden. Fox’s Chris Wallace says “Republican controlled senate would give Biden excuse to pushback on progressives.”
the progressive wing of the Democratic Party a la Bernie Sanders and AOL favors
a well-deserved hard-line approach to the Republicans.
It would be rather interesting if a spokesperson for the Democratic party would touch upon Ellner´s rather severe contention.