Consortium News
by Steve Ellner
Connecticut senator Chris Murphy's recent characterization of U.S. policy toward Venezuela as an "unmitigated disaster" makes it conspicuously clear that many in the political establishment recognize the need for a change in course. The statement by such an influential Democrat may signal a policy revision toward Venezuela, though not particularly comprehensive, on the part of a Joe Biden administration.
Since Guaidó’s self-proclamation on January 23, 2019, Washington
has gone all out to gain world-wide recognition for him and to undermine
President Nicolás Maduro’s grip on power. But regime change attempts have
turned into folly one after another, including a U.S.-backed military coup
attempt on April 30, 2019 and a military incursion from Colombia this May. Even
Trump admitted that the politically untested Guaidó (who just turned 37) has
not been up to the task. Murphy stated at the senate committee hearing “our big
play recognizing Guaidó right out of the gate…just didn’t work.”
Yet one would
think from the words and actions coming out of the White House that just the
opposite was happening, that Guaidó was on the verge of toppling Maduro. Every
couple of days the Trump administration, eager for a resounding success to be
parlayed into votes in November, escalates its war on Venezuela which it
considers to be a more vulnerable target than Iran. On August 14, Trump boasted
that four oil tankers en route from Iran to Venezuela were forced by the U.S.
to proceed to Houston. The same day a State Department spokesman touted the
success of its “maximum pressure campaign” in which
“more and more global shipping fleets [are] avoiding the Iran-Venezuela trade
due to our sanctions,” which are now being used to threaten shipping companies,
insurance companies and ship captains, among others.
Washington’s lingering hope is undoubtedly that the situation in Venezuela will go from bad to worse. This was alluded to by think-tank analyst and State Department advisor Evan Ellis in his report “Venezuela: Pandemic and Foreign Intervention in a Collapsing Narcostate.” Ellis points out that “Covid-19 now promises to transform the Venezuelan crisis into a broader one.” He adds “the death sentence implied by the disease could be the final straw in disintegrating the remaining discipline of the military and other security forces.”
Murphy’s Arguments Good and Bad
Murphy’s arguments at the senate hearing were
pragmatic not principled. His position that Trump’s Venezuelan strategy hasn’t
worked suggests the possibility of a distancing of a President Biden from Guaidó.
Murphy’s stand has positive and negative implications. Positive because it
comes from a party whose main leaders zealously applauded Guaidó's presence at Trump’s
State of the Union address in February. (Remember Nancy Pelosi standing up and
clapping, in contrast to her reaction to almost everything else Trump said that
The decision to
cease calling Guaidó
“president” would be a tacit recognition that Washington had blundered in
turning over billions of dollars in Venezuelan assets including CITGO to Guaidó’s
parallel government. This is no small failure. The activist role of the Trump
administration in trying to get other countries, organizations and corporations
including Russia, China, Cuba and, believe it or not, Iran to comply with the
sanctions against Venezuela has few parallels in history. Washington’s case for
sanctions is underpinned by the argument that Guaidó and not Maduro is the
rightful president of Venezuela. A distancing from Guaidó would detract from this
campaign and undermine U.S. prestige, at least in the short run.
Murphy, to his credit, recognized that the opposition in Venezuela is bitterly divided. The Trump administration dismisses the opposition's anti-Guaidó bloc as consisting of rogue politicians, some of whom it has hit with sanctions. But recently, the Catholic Church hierarchy, which has vehemently opposed Maduro and his predecessor Hugo Chávez, sharply criticized the pro-Guaidó bloc for refusing to participate in parliamentary elections slated for December. On August 11, the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference issued a document which stated “abstentionism deepens the social-political fissure in the nation and the lack of hope toward the future.” In another recent development, Enrique Mendoza of the social Christian COPEI party became the latest in a list of long-standing political leaders who are participating in the December elections. The U.S. media says little of news items like this one which discredit Guaidó and his allies.
The Real Lesson
But Murphy’s position is a far cry from
addressing the real issues and the lessons that need to be learned from the
Guaidó fiasco, namely the importance of respect for national sovereignty. Rather
than facing the issue, Murphy rebuked Abrams and Trump for not being more
intelligent in trying to achieve regime change. The senator told Abrams “We could
have used the prospect of U.S. recognition or sanctions as leverage” and could
have done more to consult our European allies and to “talk to or neutralize
China and Russia” at an early stage. In short, “all we did was play all our
cards on day one, and it didn’t work.”
Pulitzer prize winning journalist Glenn
Greenwald slammed Murphy’s line of reasoning in defense of U.S. hegemony,
saying “Murphy was ‘furious’
that America under Trump lost is ‘natural right’ to control who governs
The issue of national sovereignty is manifesting itself in Venezuela in the
debate between the pro and anti-Guaidó opposition factions, a development the
U.S. media is also oblivious to. The anti-Guaidó faction has taken up the
national sovereignty banner. Miguel Salazar, president of the conservative
COPEI party, recently stated (in the words of El Universal) “the
international community has exacerbated the [Venezuelan] conflict even
though the resolution of problems has to be in Venezuelan (hands) and not subject
to the guidelines of the United States.”
The banner of national sovereignty is being
raised by Washington’s two major adversaries on the world stage, China and
Russia, in their pronouncements on Venezuela in a way that enhances their
international reputation. Indeed, the United States is increasingly finding itself isolated on the world stage,
as made evident in last Friday’s humiliating defeat at the UN Security Council
where the U.S. counted only on the vote of the Dominican Republic for its
proposed renewal of the boycott on arms sales to Iran. Although it is
highly unlikely that a President Biden will do a complete turnaround on
Venezuelan policy, a more hands-off approach would go a long way in easing
tensions in that nation and achieving for Washington a degree of respect around
the world.
Steve Ellner, a retired professor
at the Universidad de Oriente (Venezuela), is currently an Associate Managing
Editor of Latin American Perspectives. He is the editor of Latin
America’s Pink Tide: Breakthroughs and Shortcomings (2020) and Latin
American Extractivism: Dependency, Resource Nationalism and Resistance in Broad
Perspective (to be released).
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