Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Latin American Right claims that socialist ideology is conducive to corruption. Recent events again demonstrate the opposite to be the case.

The right in Latin America, as in the rest of the world, raised the banner of combating corruption as part of its pushback beginning in 2015 with Macri’s electoral triumph. This discourse dovetailed with the claim of right-wing think tanks (Cato Institute, Heritage Foundation, Hudson Institute, American Enterprise Institute, etc.) that socialist and Keynesian policies lead to corruption. Events in Latin America from way back showed that the exact opposite is the case. Consider all those neoliberal presidents during the heyday of neoliberalism in the 1990s who were immersed in corruption: Carlos Andrés Pérez, Carlos Menem, Fujimori, Carlos Salinas and Collor de Mello. This Code Pink video provides specific examples of the last few weeks country by country.

1 comment:

  1. The Right in Latin America has been using fake news in their propaganda arsenal for decades. The road to the future of Latin America is Socialism and independence from U.S. intervention. This is why trade with China is important.
