Monday, December 15, 2014


CNN’s feature on Venezuelans who have fled the misery that allegedly characterizes life in Venezuela left out important details. For instance, they provided statistics of how many Venezuelans have emigrated to the U.S. and now have resident or citizen status. They left out the percentage of those ex-patriots who, without any basis in fact whatsoever, claim they are political refugees and are given asylum status and eventually citizenship. The thousands of Central American children fleeing the violence in their country who have been thrown in detention centers should be so lucky!

Then the report went on to briefly interview a Chavista who presented his version. The reporter then refuted point by point everything the Chavista said. Is this principled journalism? That the interviewer knocks everything that the interviewee states? Then, rather than giving the Chavista the opportunity of rebuttal, the program interviewed a TV personality, Luis Chataing, who was given considerable time to talk about how difficult life is in Venezuela. No mention was made of the fact that Chataing is a well-known bitter critic of the government.

It can’t be a coincidence that all these details just happen to bolster the case for getting rid of the government of Nicolás Maduro!

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